Master Certificates master-certificate-icon

With the PINKTUM Master Certificates, you sharpen your skills profile and are rewarded for consistent learning. Choose from different topic clusters for your personal development. Each cluster contains a selection of thematically appropriate e-trainings that you can flexibly compile as learning paths according to your needs. Once you successfully complete ten e-trainings from a topic cluster, you will earn a Master Certificate.
German-language learning paths for the PINKTUM Master Certificates can be completed in all subject clusters without restriction. We also offer the Master Certificates in English, French and Spanish. For these language versions, however, some e-trainings in the topic clusters will only be available at a later date.

Leadership Essentials

Leaders will find basic solution strategies for characteristic challenges in leadership positions in the Leadership Essentials topic cluster. The learning paths decode complex leadership topics with practical recommendations for action and support you in shaping your responsible role.
Herausfordernde Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden souverän meistern
macrolearningMastering Challenging Conversations with Coworkers with Confidence
Mastering Challenging Conversations with Coworkers with Confidence Mastering Challenging Conversations with Coworkers with Confidence
There are conversations with employees that the manager knows in advance will be challenging. This may be because an employee has behaved inappropriately or because an employee has been absent without giving advance notice. Managers often stumble into the harmony trap during these discussions: They are afraid to call criticism by its name and unnecessarily put employees on the spot. In challenging conversations, however, that is exactly what is needed: transparent communication and an open attitude towards challenges. Other managers, on the other hand, find it difficult to remain respectful and keep a cool head in difficult situations. This behavior also prevents constructive discussion and successful conflict resolution.
Das Bewerbergespräch führen
macrolearningConducting the Interview
Conducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the Interview
New employees will take on important responsibilities, and influence the working atmosphere and team dynamics. Therefore, the selection and hiring process should be given sufficient consideration. In this e⁠-⁠training, learn how to conduct professional, goal-oriented interviews with applicants. You will learn how to create a job description step-by-step, develop a requirements profile from the job description, prepare interview guidelines, and then conduct the interview. Highlights include the art of asking the right questions, how to follow up on the interview, and how to make a final selection. You will also learn ways in which companies can "appeal" to candidates as attractive employers.
Feedback geben
macrolearningGiving Feedback
Giving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving Feedback
In this e⁠-⁠learning, participants get to know the model of the Johari Window. It shows the difference between the perception of others and the perception of oneself. The Johari Window clarifies the "blind spot" and shows why the "secret" will remain a secret. This course teaches that "giving feedback" does not mean "praise" or "criticize". Rather, it is about being open to self-perception through feedback from outside.
Teamentwicklung erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Successfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Learn the basics for your job as a team leader by setting realistic goals and motivating the team for the long run. This course teaches you how to ensure a clear distribution of tasks within your team and how to not only agree on, but implement goal-oriented rules. Furthermore, this e⁠-⁠learning includes measures to promote constructive communication and shows the participants how they can use simple means to sustainably promote trust and cohesion on their team.
Aufgaben delegieren
macrolearningDelegating Tasks
Delegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating Tasks
Delegating is more than just "do it"! Participants will learn which tasks can be delegated in principle and which ones must not be passed on under any circumstances. They learn to develop requirement profiles in order to be able to assign respective activities to appropriate employees. Additionally, learn the four stages of the delegation discussion, avoid back delegations, and learn to check agreements and deadlines.
Mitarbeitende motivieren
macrolearningMotivating Team Members
Motivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team Members
When employees hide behind their desks, it may not be because of ill will or convenience. They often lack knowledge, ability and confidence in themselves. So how can managers motivate their employees to come out of their shell and conquer new tasks? In this e⁠-⁠learning, the participants will learn helpful methods of employee motivation. This courses focuses on "self-efficacy".
Konfliktmanagement für Führungskräfte
macrolearningConflict Resolution for Managers
Conflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for Managers
For managers, the rule is: intervene as little as possible, but as much as necessary in a conflict involving their own employees. As a starting point, it is important to also recognize hidden conflicts and assess their severity. The theoretical basis for this is provided by Friedrich Glasl's model of the nine stages of conflict escalation. It clearly shows how conflicts can escalate if timely intervention is neglected. For each escalation stage, managers will learn various methods of conflict resolution - from the promotion of independent conflict resolution to mediation and arbitration as well as to the intervention of power.
Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Teams
macrolearningIntercultural Communication in Teams
Intercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in Teams
Teams are becoming more diverse, as members can often hail from different countries and cultures. Consequently, intercultural communication is becoming more and more important, especially at work. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, users will learn what "culture" means and discuss important concepts from the works of Geert Hofstede and E. T. Hall. Participants will also learn how to become more aware of cultural differences and receive valuable leadership tools with which to manage intercultural teams. The aim of the course is to enhance the intercultural skills of the participants.
Gute Entscheidungen treffen
macrolearningMaking Good Decisions
Making Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good Decisions
Decisive strength is an essential skill in an ever faster changing environment. Participants can develop and expand this competence in this multimedia e⁠-⁠learning. Learn to quickly categorize a task, discern what needs to be done immediately and what can be postponed, and other methods that can help with good decision-making.
Trennungsgespräche führen
macrolearningConducting Termination Meetings
Conducting Termination MeetingsConducting Termination Meetings
Termination meetings differ from other meetings due to immense importance they have for the employees involved. They are often associated with a great emotional shock that can manifest in various ways. It is part of your job as a manager to conduct termination meetings in a professional and respectful manner. This e⁠-⁠training course will equip you with the tools you need to do this. You will learn the proper way to perpare and how you should plan and structure termination meetings. One focus of the e⁠-⁠training course is handling emotional factors: What are typical reactions and how can you deal with them well? In an extra chapter, you will learn how to conduct termination meetings by online videoconferencing or telephone.
Neu in der Führungsrolle
macrolearningNew to the Leadership Role
New to the Leadership RoleNew to the Leadership RoleNew to the Leadership RoleNew to the Leadership RoleNew to the Leadership Role
The focus is on specialists who are promoted to management level. This training is suitable as a preparation for management tasks and imparts knowledge on result control, process management, employee leadership and self-management. The participants learn how to handle different expectations and conflicts of interest. In addition, seven leadership myths are explained and refuted - because leadership does not fit into simple patterns.
Teamphasen erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningManage Team Phases Successfully
Manage Team Phases SuccessfullyManage Team Phases SuccessfullyManage Team Phases SuccessfullyManage Team Phases SuccessfullyManage Team Phases Successfully
The four team phases according to Bruce Tuckman form the core of this e⁠-⁠learning course. Participants will learn how to accompany their team proactively through a series of phases. The course explains each phase individually and shows examples of the phase using common scenarios. Building on this, participants learn more about management instruments suitable for each phase. The five dysfunctions of a team according to Lencioni are also presented in a separate chapter. This course contains checklists, exercises and transfer tasks.
Führen nach Reifegrad
macrolearningSituational Leadership®
Situational Leadership®Situational Leadership®Situational Leadership®Situational Leadership®Situational Leadership®
The maturity model is also known as Situational leadership®. In this course, participants learn to lead employees in a way that corresponds to their individual situation. Four different leadership styles are discussed: instructive, coaching, participative, and delegating. They also learn how to assess the respective maturity level of an employee.
Teamrollen kennen und produktiv machen
macrolearningKnowing Team Roles and Making Them Productive
Knowing Team Roles and Making Them ProductiveKnowing Team Roles and Making Them ProductiveKnowing Team Roles and Making Them ProductiveKnowing Team Roles and Making Them ProductiveKnowing Team Roles and Making Them Productive
At the core of this e⁠-⁠learning are Meredith Belbin's team roles. The participants get to know the three main types of roles on a team: activity-based, thinking and problem-solving, and people-oriented roles. Strengths and weaknesses of each role are presented in detail, promoting understanding and appreciation of the Belbin model and the resulting role differences. Aiming to support the participants in their skill development, this course also contains checklists, exercises, and transfer tasks.
Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden konstruktiv und nachhaltig führen
macrolearningLead Constructive and Lasting Conversations with Employees
Lead Constructive and Lasting Conversations with EmployeesLead Constructive and Lasting Conversations with Employees
Performance reviews and appraisal processes are key tools in leadership and human resource development. But many managers don’t always view them as positive experiences. They often feel awkward and tense, with employees seeming unmotivated or anxious. But it doesn’t have to be that way! When conducted with appreciation and clear objectives, reviews can be a game-changer. They can facilitate effective communication and play a crucial role in strengthening the relationship between employees and managers. In this e⁠-⁠training course, participants will learn how to unlock the full potential of performance evaluations and appraisal processes. We’ll go over everything you need—from preparation to conducting, and following up on reviews, whether in person or virtually.