PINKTUM E⁠-⁠Learnings

Hilfe! Meine Kund:innen finden mich nicht sympathisch genug!
microlearningHelp! I Don't Come-Off as Personable
Help! I Don't Come-Off as PersonableHelp! I Don't Come-Off as PersonableHelp! I Don't Come-Off as Personable
In this micro, it's all about coming across as personable and authentic to customers. Personability is based on appreciation and is a major competitive advantage in consulting and sales.
Tätigkeiten einen Sinn geben
microlearningGiving Meaning to Tasks
Giving Meaning to Tasks
Employees work better when the meaning and purpose of their work is clear to them. An understandable purpose, an inspiring corporate mission statement, good communication and authenticity play a key role in creating clarity.
Nutzen argumentieren mit der 5-Stufen-Technik
microlearningArguing Benefits with the Five Step Technique
Arguing Benefits with the Five Step Technique
With the 5⁠-⁠step technique, you can specifically address the needs of your customers and inspire them with your product.
Ein Onboarding Prozess, der Bindung schafft
microlearningAn Onboarding Process Which Fosters Loyalty
An Onboarding Process Which Fosters Loyalty
A good onboarding process is worth its weight in gold when it comes to integrating new employees and retaining them in the company in the long term.
Im Voraus planen und entspannter präsentieren
microlearningPlan Ahead and You’ll Present More Relaxed
Plan Ahead and You’ll Present More RelaxedPlan Ahead and You’ll Present More RelaxedPlan Ahead and You’ll Present More Relaxed
Here's how to plan the framework of your presentation to avoid stress and embarrassment.
Besser präsentieren mit den vier „Verständlichmachern“
microlearningPresent Better with the Four ‘Presentation Zen’ Tips
Present Better with the Four ‘Presentation Zen’ TipsPresent Better with the Four ‘Presentation Zen’ TipsPresent Better with the Four ‘Presentation Zen’ Tips
Here you will learn how to use the four “Presentation Zen” tips to help your audience stay attentive during presentations and follow the content.
Produktiver arbeiten mit der ALPEN-Methode
microlearningWork More Productively with the ALPEN Method
Work More Productively with the ALPEN Method
Use the ALPEN method to efficiently plan your to-dos for the day and keep track of all your tasks!
Mit Job Crafting Aufgaben und Interessen verbinden
microlearningConnecting Tasks and Interests with Job Crafting
Connecting Tasks and Interests with Job Crafting
Job crafting helps you better match your tasks and responsibilities to your skills and interests.
Signaturstärken zur beruflichen Entfaltung nutzen
microlearningUsing Signature Strengths for Professional Development
Using Signature Strengths for Professional Development
Signature strengths are skills that you particularly like to use frequently and that distinguish you as a person. By using your signature strengths at work, you can achieve your professional goals and advance your career.
Leidenschaft gezielt im Job nutzen
microlearningPassion at Work
Passion at Work
Purpose means living out your passion at work. Passion is therefore a central key to finding out what really makes you happy.
Mithilfe des Goldenen Kreises einen Sinn im Job finden
microlearningFinding Meaning in Your Job with the Help of the Golden Circle
Finding Meaning in Your Job with the Help of the Golden Circle
The concept of the Golden Circle helps you to find meaning in your work and to be more satisfied and successful in your job in the long run.
Das Harvard-Konzept
microlearningThe Harvard Concept
The Harvard Concept
With the four principles of the Harvard concept, you will achieve win-win solutions in negotiations and conflicts.
Die ganzheitliche Zielvereinbarung
microlearningHolistic Goal Setting
Holistic Goal Setting
Through goal setting, you help your employees identify with the company's goals and agree on individual sub-goals.
Die SMART-Methode
microlearningThe SMART Method
The SMART Method
Here you will learn how to define your goals according to SMART logic so that they are precise and motivating.
Clever priorisieren mit der Eisenhower-Matrix
microlearningClever Prioritization with the Eisenhower Matrix
Clever Prioritization with the Eisenhower Matrix
Use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your tasks by urgency and importance in order to focus on the right tasks.
Arbeitszeit im Homeoffice strukturieren
microlearningHow to Structure Working Time in Your Home Office
How to Structure Working Time in Your Home Office
In this micro, you'll learn how to manage your time in your home office efficiently and draw a clear line between working time, free time and breaks. Small rituals and a clear structure that is individually tailored help.
Das Selbstbild erweitern mit dem Johari-Fenster
microlearningExpanding the Self-Image with the Joahri Window
Expanding the Self-Image with the Joahri Window
The Johari window shows the difference between external image and self-image. From this, you can deduce how you can help your employees or colleagues to achieve a healthy self-perception.
Kontinuierliche Verbesserungen mit dem PDCA-Zyklus
microlearningContinuous Improvement with the PDCA Cycle
Continuous Improvement with the PDCA Cycle
You can achieve a continuous improvement process with the PDCA cycle. Learn how you and your team can unleash new potential with Plan-Do-Check-Act!
Kernursachen finden mit dem Ishikawa-Diagramm
microlearningFinding Root Causes with the Ishikawa Diagram
Finding Root Causes with the Ishikawa Diagram
Description In order to learn from mistakes and use them for our further development, we first have to find and analyze them. Here you will learn how to determine the root cause with the Ishikawa diagram.
Sieben Arten der Verschwendung
microlearningSeven Types of Waste
Seven Types of Waste
Want to save time and money in your production and administrative processes? Here we show you how to use TIMWOOD to search for possible resource hogs.
Wertstrom verschlanken mit Line Balancing
microlearningUse Line Balancing to Streamline the Value Stream
Use Line Balancing to Streamline the Value Stream
Line balancing literally balances your production line. Here you will learn how to use it to align the times of all workstations in the process with the customer cycle to be achieved.
Prozesse visualisieren mit Kanban
microlearningVisualize Processes with Kanban
Visualize Processes with Kanban
Make processes and responsibilities transparent with Kanban. Learn how to use it to visualize your team's workflow.
Gute Ideen entwickeln mit der Brainstorming-Methode
microlearningDeveloping Good Ideas with the Brainstorming Method
Developing Good Ideas with the Brainstorming Method
Brainstorming is widely used and can be an enjoyable experience. However, the rules of this method are not always implemented correctly. Learn how your team can brainstorm successfully and generate good ideas!
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation
microlearningNonviolent Communcation
Nonviolent Communcation
Using nonviolent communication can help you talk about difficult things in a positive way and solve problems.
Hybride Meetings inklusiv und störungsfrei abhalten
microlearningHold Hybrid Meetings Inclusively and Without Disruption
Hold Hybrid Meetings Inclusively and Without Disruption
This micro is about holding meetings in a way that gives equal voice to onsite and remote stakeholders. The goal is to create an inclusive and disruption-free meeting setting.
Einwände entkräften mit der Quittungsmethode
microlearningCountering Objections with the Acknowledgment Method
Countering Objections with the Acknowledgment Method
The Acknowledgment Method helps to professionally refute objections from customers in sales talks and convince them of a product or service.
Auf ein „Nein“ von Kund:innen adäquat reagieren – „Nein“ ist nicht gleich „Nein“!
microlearningResponding Adequately to a "No" From Customers: "No" is Not Just "No"
Responding Adequately to a "No" From Customers: "No" is Not Just "No"
If customers say no, this does not automatically mean that they do not want to buy. Using these tips, you can respond in a constructive, appreciative way while still getting them excited about a purchase.
Coaching-Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden führen
microlearningCoaching–Conversations with Employees
Coaching–Conversations with EmployeesCoaching–Conversations with EmployeesCoaching–Conversations with Employees
Coaching conversations between managers and employees require a special, trusting atmosphere. Learn how to act as a coach when talking to your team members here.
Das GROW-Modell
microlearningThe GROW-Model
The GROW-ModelThe GROW-ModelThe GROW-Model
The well-known GROW-Model helps you to structure coaching conversations with your employees and lead them to concrete results.
Ordnung im Postfach dank Inbox Zero
microlearningBringing Order to Your Mailbox Thanks to Inbox Zero
Bringing Order to Your Mailbox Thanks to Inbox Zero
With the Inbox Zero method, you'll get more order out of your inbox. You won't be distracted by emails outside of your designated time slots.