PINKTUM E⁠-⁠Learnings

Mit der 5-Why-Methode Problemen auf den Grund gehen
microlearningGetting to the bottom of problems with the 5 Why method
Getting to the bottom of problems with the 5 Why method
The 5 Why method offers a way of getting to the root causes of problems. It is explained here!
Meine Mitarbeitenden werden immer gestresst, sobald ich den Raum betrete
microlearningMy employees always get stressed as soon as I enter the room
My employees always get stressed as soon as I enter the room
A manager can be a stressor for their team that is perceived as a burden or a resource that provides support and helps them to cope with stress. This micro gives managers tips on how they can better manage to be a resource.
Ich lasse meinen Mitarbeitenden viel Handlungsspielraum, trotzdem sind sie unzufrieden
microlearningI give my employees a lot of room for manoeuvre, but they are still dissatisfied
I give my employees a lot of room for manoeuvre, but they are still dissatisfied
More room for manoeuvre for employees does not automatically mean more well-being. This microlearning is designed to help managers differentiate: What is real room for manoeuvre? Where is freedom useful and when would leadership be desirable?
Mehr Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeitenden durch Vermeidung von Gratifikationskrisen
microlearningGreater employee well-being by avoiding gratification crises
Greater employee well-being by avoiding gratification crises
Avoiding gratification crises can not only have a positive impact on the productivity of team members, but also on their well-being. Microlearning provides tips on how to do this.
Die acht Kommunikationsstile nach Schulz von Thun
microlearningThe Eight Basic Communication Styles from Schulz von Thun
The Eight Basic Communication Styles from Schulz von Thun
Personality affects communication. Understanding Schulz von Thun's eight communication styles will help you better understand your own communication and that of others.
Verständnis für Rollenunterschiede im Team fördern
microlearningFostering Appreciation for Role Variations Within the Team
Fostering Appreciation for Role Variations Within the Team
Teams excel when members interact productively within their diverse roles. It's essential for individuals to recognize these role differences and collaborate with mutual understanding. As a manager, it is your job to foster this understanding!
Rollen im Team erkennen und nutzen
microlearningEmbracing and Leveraging Team Roles
Embracing and Leveraging Team Roles
Different roles enrich your team and increase its efficiency! The Meredith Belbin role model outlines three key role groups and their contributions to achieving success together.
Die eigenen Kommunikationsstile weiterentwickeln
microlearningDeveloping Your Own Communication Styles
Developing Your Own Communication Styles
Based on Schulz von Thun's eight communication styles, here are tips on how to improve your own communication behavior.
Ich traue mich nicht, meine Wissenslücken zuzugeben
microlearningTackling the Fear of Acknowledging What I Don't Know
Tackling the Fear of Acknowledging What I Don't Know
Acknowledging one's own knowledge gaps can be intimidating, yet it's essential for personal growth and improvement. This micro shows how it's done!
Ich möchte meine Führungskraft überzeugen, mir eine Weiterbildung zu erlauben
microlearningPersuading My Manager to Authorize Further Development
Persuading My Manager to Authorize Further Development
In this microlearning module, we demonstrate effective strategies for organizing and prioritizing your arguments to persuade your manager to support your ongoing education.
Stakeholder analysieren und managen
microlearningAnalyzing and Managing Stakeholders
Analyzing and Managing Stakeholders
Stakeholders are an important influencing factor in classic project management. Assessing and managing them is the task of a project manager.
Risiken im Projektmanagement erkennen und managen
microlearningIdentifying and Managing Risks in Project Management
Identifying and Managing Risks in Project Management
In project management, it is important to identify and assess risks at an early stage. This micro shows how this works and when countermeasures are necessary.
Mit VUCA flexibel umgehen
microlearningNavigating VUCA with Flexibility
Navigating VUCA with Flexibility
The readiness and capacity for ongoing personal and professional growth in the dynamic VUCA world enable individuals to not only keep up with change but also thrive from it.
Ein Projekt von einer Aufgabe unterscheiden
microlearningDistinguishing a Project from a Task
Distinguishing a Project from a Task
This micro focuses on the characteristics of a project, specifically how to clearly distinguish a project from a task and plan accordingly.
Vier Erfolgsfaktoren fürs klassische Projektmanagement
microlearningFour Success Factors for Classic Project Management
Four Success Factors for Classic Project Management
Four success factors contribute significantly to the success of a project. This micro focuses on clear responsibilities, project assignment, kick-off, and the planning phase.
Mir fällt es schwer, eine unangenehme Botschaft angemessen zu vermitteln
microlearningI Want to Deliver Unpleasant News with Sensitivity
I Want to Deliver Unpleasant News with Sensitivity
Effectively conveying difficult or painful news to employees requires a combination of empathy, objectivity, and confidence.
Ich muss überzeugen, bin aber eher ein nüchterner Typ
microlearningI Need to Be Persuading, but I'm a Reserved Person
I Need to Be Persuading, but I'm a Reserved Person
Delivering compelling presentations hinges on authenticity and establishing a connection with the audience. This micro gives you tips on how to do this.
Meine Mitarbeitenden finden Weiterbildung unnötig
microlearningMy employees find further training unnecessary
My employees find further training unnecessary
In this micro you will learn how to motivate your employees to see lifelong learning as something worth striving for and how to create a culture of curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
Meine Mitarbeitenden schaffen es nicht, Lernen im Tagesablauf einzubauen
microlearningMy employees don't manage to incorporate learning into their daily routine
My employees don't manage to incorporate learning into their daily routine
What most employees lack when it comes to further training is time. Here you will learn how to find learning time together with them.
Sich leichter Dinge merken mit der Loci-Methode
microlearningMemorise things more easily with the loci method
Memorise things more easily with the loci method
With the loci method, you link information with familiar places to make it easier to remember.
Verstehendes Lesen mit der SQ3R-Methode
microlearningComprehensive reading with the SQ3R method
Comprehensive reading with the SQ3R method
With the SQ3R method, you can better grasp the most important content when reading a text and keep it in mind for later.
Working out Loud: Wissen zwischen Mitarbeitenden teilen
microlearningWorking out Loud: Sharing knowledge between employees
Working out Loud: Sharing knowledge between employees
Employees set themselves a learning goal and share their knowledge in a group of people with similar challenges. This exchange enables them to support and develop each other.
Mit Lernplänen Mitarbeitende gezielt weiterbilden
microlearningTraining employees in a targeted manner with learning plans
Training employees in a targeted manner with learning plans
In today's fast-paced professional world, you can use learning plans to provide all your employees with professional development so that they benefit themselves and your company benefits too.
So bereitet sich dein Team auf den Design-Thinking-Prozess vor
microlearningHow your team prepares for the design thinking process
How your team prepares for the design thinking process
The design thinking approach helps to make products and companies competitive again by focussing on customers, openness, curiosity and innovation. Three rules will help you prepare for the design thinking process in the best possible way.
Ich schaffe es nicht, in Meetings alle Teilnehmenden gut einzubinden
microlearningI Don't Do a Good Job of Involving Everyone in Meetings
I Don't Do a Good Job of Involving Everyone in MeetingsI Don't Do a Good Job of Involving Everyone in Meetings
Here, you will discover techniques for moderators to effectively incorporate silent participants, dominant speakers, and others into their meetings.
Der Entscheidungsprozess
microlearningThe Decision-Making Process
The Decision-Making Process
Do you find it difficult to make decisions? Learn about four steps you can utilize to methodically navigate the decision-making process.
Mir fällt es schwer, den Sinn bei stumpfen Routineaufgaben zu sehen
microlearningI Struggle to See the Point in Mundane Routine Tasks
I Struggle to See the Point in Mundane Routine TasksI Struggle to See the Point in Mundane Routine Tasks
Sometimes, it may feel like your work is meaningless—but it never is! When you view your tasks as part of the larger picture, that's where you find the real meaning.
Was ist Agilität?
microlearningWhat Is Agile Management?
What Is Agile Management? What Is Agile Management?
Having the ability to work agilely is a crucial skill in the era of globalization and digitalization. Here, you'll find a brief introduction to the topic of agility!
Im Bewerbungsgespräch habe ich das Gefühl, mein Gegenüber ist nicht ehrlich
microlearningI Doubt My Interviewee Is Being Honest
I Doubt My Interviewee Is Being HonestI Doubt My Interviewee Is Being HonestI Doubt My Interviewee Is Being Honest
If you sense that the candidate is holding back, it may be helpful to approach your assessment with empathy and understanding to uncover the underlying cause.
Es fällt mir schwer, meinen Start in den Lernprozess zu finden
microlearningFinding a Start in the Learning Process is Challenging
Finding a Start in the Learning Process is ChallengingFinding a Start in the Learning Process is ChallengingFinding a Start in the Learning Process is Challenging
It can be frustrating when learning doesn't work out the way you want it to. By realising why the skills you want to acquire are important, you will be able to motivate yourself for the learning process.