Leadership skills

The success of a company depends to a large extent on the leadership and skills of its managers. Giving feedback, motivating employees and delegating tasks are some of the key elements of successful leadership. However, the demands placed on leaders are increasingly numerous, and the roles they have to take on are more and more diverse. Key leadership skills for the 21st century include being able to successfully lead virtual and intercultural teams and to act as a coach or change manager.
Ich fühle mich als weibliche Führungskraft von meinen männlichen Kollegen nicht ernst genommen
microlearningBeing a Female Manager: I Struggle with Being Taken Seriously by Male Colleagues
Being a Female Manager: I Struggle with Being Taken Seriously by Male ColleaguesBeing a Female Manager: I Struggle with Being Taken Seriously by Male ColleaguesBeing a Female Manager: I Struggle with Being Taken Seriously by Male Colleagues
A wry look, an offhand comment—on a bad day, it's enough to make you feel insecure around your male colleagues. In this micro-learning, we will show you how to build your confidence as a female leader and develop solutions to these problems.
Mir fällt es schwer, eine persönliche Bindung zu meinem Remote-Team aufzubauen
microlearningBuilding a Personal Connection with My Remote Team is Challenging
Building a Personal Connection with My Remote Team is ChallengingBuilding a Personal Connection with My Remote Team is Challenging
Establishing a strong connection from a distance poses its challenges. The key is to engage regularly with your team members to foster a genuine bond.
Ich habe keine Ahnung, was mein Teammitglied im Homeoffice eigentlich macht!
microlearningI Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!
I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!I Have No Idea What My Team Member Actually Does in Home Office!
Regular check-ins, status reports, and collaboration platforms can help keep home-based workers engaged.
Ein Mitglied in meinem Team verbreitet schlechte Stimmung
microlearningOne of My Team Members is Spreading Negativity
One of My Team Members is Spreading Negativity
This micro will show you the best way to deal with someone on your team who is spreading negative emotions that are affecting other members of your team.
Ich schaffe es nicht, mich als fachliche Führungskraft durchzusetzen
microlearningChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership Position
Challenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership PositionChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership PositionChallenges Faced When Asserting Myself in a Leadership Position
In order to be assertive in a leadership position, it is important to confidently communicate one's professional competence and to foster empathy and open communication in the team.
Ich habe das Gefühl, mein Teammitglied ist unglücklich im Unternehmen
microlearningI Have a Feeling My Team Member Is Unhappy in the Company
I Have a Feeling My Team Member Is Unhappy in the Company
You feel that your team member is absolutely not happy with the current state of affairs in the company. If you are open about your observation, you can find a solution together.
Ich finde als Führungskraft die Balance zwischen professioneller und persönlicher Ebene nicht
microlearningStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a Manager
Striking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a ManagerStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a ManagerStriking a Balance Between Professional and Personal Levels as a Manager
Leaders need clear personal/professional boundaries that are comfortable for them and their team members.
Meine Mitarbeiter:innen reagieren komisch, wenn ich sie lobe
microlearningMy Employees React Strangely to Praise
My Employees React Strangely to Praise
You want to appreciate your employees and praise them for their work. In this micro-learning, we will show you how to give praise that is specific, sincere, factual, professional, and individualized.
Mir fällt es schwer, Lob von anderen anzunehmen
microlearningI Find It Hard to Accept Praise from Others
I Find It Hard to Accept Praise from Others
You can allow yourself to accept praise and enjoy the positive words of others.
Mein Teammitglied findet die Unternehmensziele nicht realistisch
microlearningMy Team Member Does Not Find the Company Goals Realistic
My Team Member Does Not Find the Company Goals Realistic
Here's how to support your employees when they feel company goals are unrealistic.
Ein Teammitglied will eine Beförderung, aber ich sehe das Potential nicht
microlearningA Team Member Wants a Promotion, but I Don't See Any Potential in Them
A Team Member Wants a Promotion, but I Don't See Any Potential in Them
If someone in your team applies for a promotion and you don't see that they have the potential, then you should give them clear and devlopment-oriented feedback. In this microlearning you will be shown how to do this.
Mein Teammitglied verliert im Change an Bedeutung und hat Angst vor Imageverlust
microlearningMy Team Member Is Feeling Lost and Worried about Recent Changes Affecting Their Status
My Team Member Is Feeling Lost and Worried about Recent Changes Affecting Their StatusMy Team Member Is Feeling Lost and Worried about Recent Changes Affecting Their StatusMy Team Member Is Feeling Lost and Worried about Recent Changes Affecting Their Status
Change triggers uncertainty, doubt and resistance in many of your employees. However, behind resistance, there is always an underlying cause and emotions that can be addressed through communication. We show you how to address the fears and needs of your employees in order to open them up to change.
Motivation fördern mit Lob
microlearningPromote Motivation with Praise
Promote Motivation with Praise
Praising employees is an important part of a positive corporate culture. You promote motivation and commitment in your team.
Gezieltes Teambuilding mit der Teamentwicklungsuhr
microlearningTargeted Team Building with the Team Development Clock
Targeted Team Building with the Team Development Clock
Whether you're just building your team or they've been working together for a while, you can build team spirit at every stage. The team development clock can help you find the right approach.
Konflikte managen als laterale Führungskraft
microlearningManaging Conflicts as a Lateral Leader
Managing Conflicts as a Lateral Leader
As a lateral leader, you operate in a complex environment with many stakeholders. This provides opportunities for conflicts that need to be resolved.
Wie laterale sich von disziplinarischer Führung unterscheidet
microlearningHow Lateral Leadership Differs from Conventional Leadership
How Lateral Leadership Differs from Conventional Leadership
Lateral and disciplinary leadership differ in terms of the role, tasks and authority of the leader. This micro shows you what distinguishes lateral leadership and how to get started with lateral leadership.
Praktische Instrumente der lateralen Führung
microlearningPractical Instruments for Lateral Leadership
Practical Instruments for Lateral Leadership
With the right lateral leadership instruments, you can successfully lead, manage, and motivate your project team without being a supervisor.
Mit dem Haus der Veränderung durch Change-Prozesse führen
microlearningLeading Through Change Processes with the Four Rooms of Change
Leading Through Change Processes with the Four Rooms of Change
The four rooms of change describe four emotional phases that a person typically goes through during a change. Get to know the model so that you can better meet your employees individually and successfully accompany them through change processes.
Zusammenhalt im hybriden Team stärken
microlearningStrengthening Cohesion in Your Hybrid Team
Strengthening Cohesion in Your Hybrid Team
Today, many teams are hybrid, meaning some employees work on-site and others remotely. Learn here how you can ensure strong cohesion in your hybrid team despite this physical distance.
Mitarbeitende im Homeoffice weiterentwickeln
microlearningPromoting Development for Home Office Employees
Promoting Development for Home Office Employees
Home office employees need new and different skills, as well as equal opportunities for further training. This micro provides 5 tips to promote further development for home office employees.
Benefits, die Mitarbeitende halten
microlearningBenefits Which Retain Employees
Benefits Which Retain Employees
To retain employees, the company offers benefits that go beyond the standard: flexible working hours, home office, training, performance-based pay and opportunities to help shape the company.
Ergebnisse beim Remote Arbeiten sichern – trotz Distanz
microlearningSecuring Results When Working Remotely Despite the Distance
Securing Results When Working Remotely Despite the Distance
This micro is about the three most important steps on the way to efficient controlling, which also and especially works at a distance.
Tätigkeiten einen Sinn geben
microlearningGiving Meaning to Tasks
Giving Meaning to Tasks
Employees work better when the meaning and purpose of their work is clear to them. An understandable purpose, an inspiring corporate mission statement, good communication and authenticity play a key role in creating clarity.
Ein Onboarding Prozess, der Bindung schafft
microlearningAn Onboarding Process Which Fosters Loyalty
An Onboarding Process Which Fosters Loyalty
A good onboarding process is worth its weight in gold when it comes to integrating new employees and retaining them in the company in the long term.
Die ganzheitliche Zielvereinbarung
microlearningHolistic Goal Setting
Holistic Goal Setting
Through goal setting, you help your employees identify with the company's goals and agree on individual sub-goals.
Das Selbstbild erweitern mit dem Johari-Fenster
microlearningExpanding the Self-Image with the Joahri Window
Expanding the Self-Image with the Joahri Window
The Johari window shows the difference between external image and self-image. From this, you can deduce how you can help your employees or colleagues to achieve a healthy self-perception.
Hybride Meetings inklusiv und störungsfrei abhalten
microlearningHold Hybrid Meetings Inclusively and Without Disruption
Hold Hybrid Meetings Inclusively and Without Disruption
This micro is about holding meetings in a way that gives equal voice to onsite and remote stakeholders. The goal is to create an inclusive and disruption-free meeting setting.
Coaching-Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden führen
microlearningCoaching–Conversations with Employees
Coaching–Conversations with EmployeesCoaching–Conversations with EmployeesCoaching–Conversations with Employees
Coaching conversations between managers and employees require a special, trusting atmosphere. Learn how to act as a coach when talking to your team members here.
Das GROW-Modell
microlearningThe GROW-Model
The GROW-ModelThe GROW-ModelThe GROW-Model
The well-known GROW-Model helps you to structure coaching conversations with your employees and lead them to concrete results.
Mitarbeitende durch die fünf Phasen von Change-Prozessen begleiten
microlearningLeading Employees through the Five Stages of Changing
Leading Employees through the Five Stages of Changing
Change happens in phases. Skillfully guide your employees through all phases of a change process and make them ready for the change!