Communication and Interaction skills

"One cannot not communicate" – this famous statement by Paul Watzlawick remains universally valid. Whether in a team meeting, a feedback discussion with a manager, or a conflict discussion with a colleague, communication plays a vital role in our working life. Working with others entails, above all, an open and tolerant attitude, as well as a set of strategies and techniques for successful teamwork.
Ein Teammitglied geht bei Konflikten immer gleich in den Angriffsmodus
microlearningMy Coworker Turns Aggressive in Conflict Situations
My Coworker Turns Aggressive in Conflict SituationsMy Coworker Turns Aggressive in Conflict SituationsMy Coworker Turns Aggressive in Conflict Situations
In moments of conflict, it's common for one side to feel provoked and respond with (personal) attacks. Here, you will learn how to guide the conversation back to a constructive dialogue.
Fehlerursachen nachhaltig beseitigen mit dem Schweizer-Käse-Modell
microlearningEliminating Errors at the Root Sustainably with the Swiss Cheese Model
Eliminating Errors at the Root Sustainably with the Swiss Cheese Model
When a mistake happens, there's often more to it than meets the eye. The Swiss Cheese Model can help systematically examine and analyze the causes of errors.
Ich bekomme als Trainer:in nur wenig Reaktion von meinen Teilnehmenden
microlearningI, as a Trainer, Receive Little Response from My Participants
I, as a Trainer, Receive Little Response from My ParticipantsI, as a Trainer, Receive Little Response from My ParticipantsI, as a Trainer, Receive Little Response from My Participants
In professional development, trainers often encounter situations where participants appear passive or disinterested. This behavior is generally not intended as a personal affront and can have various reasons. This microlearning course focuses on how to respond to such situations with empathy and openness and how to collaboratively find solutions with the participants.
Ich habe keinen Kopf für das Gespräch, will aber nicht unhöflich wirken
microlearningI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem Rude
I Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem RudeI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem RudeI Can't Concentrate on the Conversation, but Don't Want to Seem Rude
Sometimes an important conversation lacks the attention it needs. Find out here how to make your conversation partner feel valued.
Ich habe eine wichtige Info nicht verstanden, traue mich aber nicht, nachzufragen
microlearningThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About It
The Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About ItThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About ItThe Dilemma of Not Understanding Important Information and Feeling Uncomfortable Asking About It
If you're missing any information, don't be afraid to ask. In fact, if you phrase your request correctly, it has several advantages!
Ich möchte hart in der Sache sein, aber gleichzeitig nett zu den Menschen
microlearningI Want To Be Firm on Important Matters, yet Show Empathy and Kindness to People
I Want To Be Firm on Important Matters, yet Show Empathy and Kindness to PeopleI Want To Be Firm on Important Matters, yet Show Empathy and Kindness to People
If you want to find a good balance between being assertive and empathetic, the best way is to focus on authenticity and appreciation for the other
Meinen Mitarbeitenden fehlt die Zeit, E-Trainings sinnvoll zu nutzen
microlearningMy Employees Lack the Time to Make Good Use of E⁠-⁠training Courses
My Employees Lack the Time to Make Good Use of E⁠-⁠training Courses
E⁠-⁠training courses offer great potential for businesses. It is important that employees do not see them as an extra obligation in a busy workday, but as an opportunity for professional development.
Ich mache bei Konflikten immer einen Rückzieher
microlearningI Always Back Down When There Is a Conflict
I Always Back Down When There Is a ConflictI Always Back Down When There Is a ConflictI Always Back Down When There Is a Conflict
Do you tend to avoid conflict situations? Learn to enter into conflict confidently with this micro.
Mein Kollege / meine Kollegin nimmt das Feedback persönlich
microlearningMy Colleague Takes Feedback Personally
My Colleague Takes Feedback PersonallyMy Colleague Takes Feedback PersonallyMy Colleague Takes Feedback Personally
If your counterpart feels attacked by feedback, it is important to react quickly and look for ways to improve your company's feedback culture.
Mein Kollege / meine Kollegin nimmt mein Feedback nicht ernst
microlearningMy Coworker Doesn't Take Feedback Seriously
My Coworker Doesn't Take Feedback SeriouslyMy Coworker Doesn't Take Feedback SeriouslyMy Coworker Doesn't Take Feedback Seriously
If the other person doesn't take your feedback seriously, find out why and respond accordingly to improve communication in the future.
Angemessenes Feedback geben
microlearningGiving Appropriate Feedback
Giving Appropriate Feedback
You can express your feedback in a constructive and appreciative manner by communicating with "I" messages, making specific suggestions for changes in the future, and giving your feedback as promptly as possible.
Sichtbar bleiben im Homeoffice
microlearningStaying Visible in Your Home Office
Staying Visible in Your Home Office
Hybrid work often requires more communication about needs, coordination and even work/life boundaries. This micro provides practical tips on how to do this.
Spielregeln für die hybride Zusammenarbeit
microlearningRules of the Game for Hybrid Collaboration
Rules of the Game for Hybrid Collaboration
This micro provides practical tips for more effective collaboration based on five basic rules for hybrid teams.
Vorurteile bewältigen
microlearningOvercoming Prejudice
Overcoming Prejudice
By being aware of your prejudices and questioning them, you will be able to interact with others in a respectful, appreciative, and mindful way.
Erfolgreich kommunizieren mit dem Eisbergmodell
microlearningSuccessfully Communicating with the Iceberg Model
Successfully Communicating with the Iceberg Model
The iceberg model illustrates that interpersonal communication always takes place on several levels. Be aware of this complexity in order to communicate more successfully!
Unterschiedliche Biases erkennen und vermeiden
microlearningRecognizing and Avoiding Biases
Recognizing and Avoiding Biases
Being aware of different biases can help you avoid discrimination and meet people on an equal footing.
Verbale Angriffe mit der 4-I-Methode abwehren
microlearningDeflect Verbal Attacks with the 4⁠-⁠I⁠-⁠Method
Deflect Verbal Attacks with the 4⁠-⁠I⁠-⁠Method
You're in the middle of a heated discussion, your opponent is verbally attacking you and you don't quite know how to react? This course shows you how to stop unfair interlocutors, de-escalate the attack and maintain the dialogue.
Guten Geschichten auf die Spur kommen
microlearningTracking Down Good Stories
Tracking Down Good Stories
Authentic stories are a powerful way to inspire, entertain and persuade people. Find such stories to captivate your audience.
Mit der Heldenreise Zuhörer:innen fesseln
microlearningCaptivate Listeners with the Hero's Journey
Captivate Listeners with the Hero's Journey
The Hero's Journey is the perfect tool to entertain your audience and convince them about you and your company.
Mit Storytelling überzeugende Geschichten erzählen
microlearningTelling Compelling Stories with Storytelling
Telling Compelling Stories with Storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful way to persuade and inspire others. With storytelling, you embed your message in context and make it clear to your counterpart how important your idea is.
Mit der Verbalisierungstechnik Emotionen ausdrücken und thematisieren
microlearningExpressing and Addressing Emotions with the Verbalization Technique
Expressing and Addressing Emotions with the Verbalization Technique
The verbalization technique helps you to treat your counterpart respectfully and appreciatively. With this technique, clarity can be created and misunderstandings can be avoided.
Gute Ideen entwickeln mit der Brainstorming-Methode
microlearningDeveloping Good Ideas with the Brainstorming Method
Developing Good Ideas with the Brainstorming Method
Brainstorming is widely used and can be an enjoyable experience. However, the rules of this method are not always implemented correctly. Learn how your team can brainstorm successfully and generate good ideas!
Gewaltfreie Kommunikation
microlearningNonviolent Communcation
Nonviolent Communcation
Using nonviolent communication can help you talk about difficult things in a positive way and solve problems.
Gesprächspartner:innen mithilfe des aktiven Zuhörens richtig verstehen
microlearningUsing Active Listening to Understand the Interlocutor
Using Active Listening to Understand the InterlocutorUsing Active Listening to Understand the Interlocutor
With the help of active listening you can gain information, avoid misunderstandings, and ensure a good relationship with your conversation partner.