Customer-Oriented Communication on the Phone


Phone calls are old fashioned you say? On the contrary! Phone calls still play a central role in communicating with customers in sales and customer service. But what is the right way to address clients on the phone? And how do you professionally conduct a telephone conversation? It takes practice. This course covers how to use your voice skillfully, prepare for customer phone calls, and how to navigate through phone conversations in a structured way. You will also learn how to respond effectively to complaints along with tricks that will give your phone communication skills a competitive edge. This is how you build a good rapport with those on the other end of the line.

What is a macrolearning?

Comprehensive soft skills training for in-depth personal development. Macrolearning is a classic elearning course with a completion time of approximately 50 minutes. As a particularly intensive form of digital development, macrolearning promotes soft skills and sharpens personal profiles. For a holistic learning journey, PINKTUM Macrolearnings can also be combined with suitable compact Microlearnings.


Target group

  • Sales staff who are new to telephone sales

  • Other sales staff (e.g. office staff) who would like to be more confident during phone calls with customers

  • Employees who work in telephone customer service for external and internal customers who want to feel more confident on the phone

  • Call center agents with little work experience

Learning objectives

  • Understanding common challenges during customer contact on the phone

  • Using your own voice convincingly and authentically

  • Planning and preparing for customer phone calls

  • Leading through customer phone conversations professionally

  • Confidently handling complaint calls

  • Using techniques to be more persuasive on the phone


Managing your own time
Getting a grip
Providing clarity
Focusing on customer satisfaction
Asserting yourself

Authoring tool



Enacted scenes
Animated illustrative videos
Transfer tasks
Interactive elements
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Moderated video lectures
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