Conducting staff appraisals - Encouraging staff to act in a customer-oriented manner

Mitarbeitergespräche führen – Mitarbeitende im kundenorientierten Handeln fördern
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Basics of leadership


Total time 60 minutes

Staff appraisals are an important management tool that a manager should have a good command of. This e⁠-⁠training teaches how to prepare properly for appraisal interviews and how to conduct them confidently. There is a lot of advice about successful communication in appraisal interviews, both in analogue and virtual settings.


Target group

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Know and understand the importance of the appraisal interview in order to ensure quality customer service

  • Be able to optimally prepare for the appraisal interview in order to be able to appropriately support the employees in their customer orientation.

  • Structure staff appraisals in a meaningful way to appropriately reflect and promote customer focus

  • Know and be able to effectively use interview techniques

  • Know and take into account the special features of the virtual appraisal interview


Supporting employees
Agreeing on goals
Assessing performance
Appreciating colleagues
Analyzing situations

Authoring tool



Transfer tasks
Knowledge Check
Animated illustrative videos
Interactive elements
Enacted scenes
Key messages
Moderated video lectures
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