Leadership skills

The success of a company depends to a large extent on the leadership and skills of its managers. Giving feedback, motivating employees and delegating tasks are some of the key elements of successful leadership. However, the demands placed on leaders are increasingly numerous, and the roles they have to take on are more and more diverse. Key leadership skills for the 21st century include being able to successfully lead virtual and intercultural teams and to act as a coach or change manager.
Onboarding: Strategien für gelungenes Einarbeiten
macrolearningSeamless Onboarding: Proven Tactics for a Successful Start
Seamless Onboarding: Proven Tactics for a Successful Start
Good employees are hard to find—and even harder to retain. A structured onboarding process communicates to new employees from the very beginning that they are welcomed and valued. It helps them quickly familiarize themselves with their tasks, processes, and the company. This has a long-term impact on their motivation and commitment to their organization. This training guides you in shaping the three phases of onboarding, from the moment the contract is signed to the end of the probationary period. It focuses on clearly outlining expectations, responsibilities, and processes. Key areas include advancing professional expertise, fostering team connections, and communicating the company culture at multiple levels.
Führen nach Entwicklungsstand: Mitarbeitende optimal unterstützen
macrolearningLeading by Skill Level: Giving Employees the Best Possible Support
Leading by Skill Level: Giving Employees the Best Possible SupportLeading by Skill Level: Giving Employees the Best Possible Support
Not all leadership is the same. There are numerous models that explain which leadership would be ideal for which personality type and for which result. This e⁠-⁠training course looks at these different development models, but then focuses on a type of leadership that is geared towards the level of development of the respective employee. This is because employees need a different type of leadership depending on their skills and individual motivation. It shows ways in which the individual motivation level can be determined. It also looks at the assessment of employees‘ skills. Finally, suitable forms of leadership are presented for the different forms of motivation and competence.
Mental Health: Die psychische Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden schützen
macrolearningMental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-Being
Mental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-Being
Ensuring employees' mental well-being is crucial for companies and management—not just due to the substantial economic impact of mental health problems annually. Therefore, prevention and support must be deeply integrated into everyday management practices. This e⁠-⁠training course explains how different leadership styles can make a leader either a resource or a stressor for their team. It details the benefits of transformational leadership and guidance on how to arrange daily work to prioritize employees' mental health. The importance of recognition and providing appropriate autonomy in tasks is also highlighted. Moreover, it promotes the creation of a supportive company culture and outlines how managers can safeguard their own mental health, considering the specific challenges they encounter.
Lernen fördern – Eine Lernkultur im Team etablieren
macrolearningPromoting Learning: Fostering a Culture of Learning within Your Team
Promoting Learning: Fostering a Culture of Learning within Your Team
Success today doesn't guarantee relevance tomorrow. This holds true for both individuals and entire companies. With the world evolving rapidly, so do the requirements for professional skills. To stay competitive, companies must cultivate a forward-thinking learning culture. his e⁠-⁠training course offers insights into the supportive conditions needed across three key areas: organizational structure, corporate culture, and leadership dynamics. Managers, serving as role models, play a crucial role in granting employees the autonomy to chart their own paths of learning.
Fehlerkultur im Team – Konstruktiv mit Fehlern umgehen
macrolearningNavigating an Error Culture in the Team—Fostering a Positive Approach to Mistakes
Navigating an Error Culture in the Team—Fostering a Positive Approach to Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. It's inevitable and often necessary for learning and growth. Utilize the potential of mistakes in your team! However, ensure that the negative effects of mistakes are addressed quickly and effectively, and subsequent errors are prevented. This can be achieved by establishing a positive error culture within your team. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how negative and positive error cultures differ and the values and norms underlying a positive error culture. Additionally, you will be equipped with various methods to empower your team members to handle mistakes confidently.
Generationenübergreifend führen und zusammenarbeiten
macrolearningLeading Across Generations
Leading Across GenerationsLeading Across GenerationsLeading Across GenerationsLeading Across Generations
The focus of this training is about building positive connections among employees from different generations and between managers and team members of various ages—both on a personal and professional level. The e⁠-⁠training course aims to spark ideas for smooth intergenerational collaboration and provides tips on the challenges and potential conflicts that managers might encounter. It also sheds light on the opportunities that come with working across multiple generations.
Führen mit Lob – Wertschätzung und Anerkennung zeigen
macrolearningLeading with Praise—Showing Appreciation and Recognition
Leading with Praise—Showing Appreciation and Recognition
Employees want praise and recognition - for what they accomplish every day, but also for good decisions, success and stressful work phases. Recognition is an important tool in social interaction: it not only motivates, it also shows us that we are doing something right and performing our tasks well. When confirmation is lacking, it usually affects not only the employee's satisfaction, but also their job performance. How do you manage to adequately recognize the work of your employees? How can you show appreciation to your employees? And how can you also show this to yourself? These are the questions addressed in this e⁠-⁠training course.
Fluktuation aktiv senken
macrolearningActively Reduce Employee Turnover
Actively Reduce Employee Turnover Actively Reduce Employee Turnover Actively Reduce Employee Turnover
This course focuses on preventing and proactively addressing the factors that lead to employee turnover. The e⁠-⁠training course provides insights into positive employee retention, explores common reasons for job changes, and offers potential countermeasures that leaders can implement. It begins by examining the different types of turnover, then delves into what constitutes an attractive company culture and what employees expect. Additionally, the course covers the entire employee lifecycle, from successful recruiting and onboarding to exit interviews. This e⁠-⁠training course helps participants understand turnover, recognize its positive aspects, and provides practical tips for managers and HR departments on how to effectively reduce turnover in their company.
Bindungskräfte entfalten – Mitarbeitende zu Partnern machen
macrolearningUnleashing Commitment Potential—Turning Employees into Partners
Unleashing Commitment Potential—Turning Employees into Partners
Human beings have a strong need for connection and belonging. We want to be "allowed to play," to be part of a group, to be valued, to help shape things and at the same time to feel a sense of responsibility to the task and to the group—both personally and professionally. If your employees do not feel that they are allowed to "play along", this has a direct negative impact on the performance and competitiveness of your company, i.e., on the success of the company. That's why this e⁠-⁠training focuses on how you can make your employees feel like they're in the game and keep them engaged. As a leader, you play an absolutely key role in this and can actively work on various commitment factors that research and this e⁠-⁠training will provide you with. So, off you go!
Female Leadership – Erfolgreich führen trotz Gender-Barrieren
macrolearningFemale Leadership—Leading Successfully Despite Gender Barriers
Female Leadership—Leading Successfully Despite Gender BarriersFemale Leadership—Leading Successfully Despite Gender BarriersFemale Leadership—Leading Successfully Despite Gender BarriersFemale Leadership—Leading Successfully Despite Gender Barriers
Female leadership is a complex topic with many facets. In this course, we focus on what women can do themselves to be successful or become more successful leaders. It's not so much a question of how women lead or whether they are better leaders. Instead, we present the biggest difficulties women who (want to) take on leadership roles face. And most importantly, we focus on approaches they can take to deal with these difficulties. After an introduction to the topic, five of the most common obstacles are identified and learners are given practical and action-oriented suggestions for dealing with them constructively.
Herausfordernde Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden souverän meistern
macrolearningMastering Challenging Conversations with Coworkers with Confidence
Mastering Challenging Conversations with Coworkers with Confidence Mastering Challenging Conversations with Coworkers with Confidence
There are conversations with employees that the manager knows in advance will be challenging. This may be because an employee has behaved inappropriately or because an employee has been absent without giving advance notice. Managers often stumble into the harmony trap during these discussions: They are afraid to call criticism by its name and unnecessarily put employees on the spot. In challenging conversations, however, that is exactly what is needed: transparent communication and an open attitude towards challenges. Other managers, on the other hand, find it difficult to remain respectful and keep a cool head in difficult situations. This behavior also prevents constructive discussion and successful conflict resolution.
Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden konstruktiv und nachhaltig führen
macrolearningLead Constructive and Lasting Conversations with Employees
Lead Constructive and Lasting Conversations with EmployeesLead Constructive and Lasting Conversations with Employees
Performance reviews and appraisal processes are key tools in leadership and human resource development. But many managers don’t always view them as positive experiences. They often feel awkward and tense, with employees seeming unmotivated or anxious. But it doesn’t have to be that way! When conducted with appreciation and clear objectives, reviews can be a game-changer. They can facilitate effective communication and play a crucial role in strengthening the relationship between employees and managers. In this e⁠-⁠training course, participants will learn how to unlock the full potential of performance evaluations and appraisal processes. We’ll go over everything you need—from preparation to conducting, and following up on reviews, whether in person or virtually.
Typgerecht führen
macrolearningType-Appropriate Leadership
Type-Appropriate LeadershipType-Appropriate Leadership
Everyone is unique. Nevertheless, we always see similar personality traits in different people. Type models help us to understand people better as they simplify a complex world. In your role as a manager, you deal with a wide variety of employee types and should know how best to deal with whom. So that all employees in your team can fully use their potential, it is important to address them individually according to their personality or personality type, to understand them, challenge them and develop them. Type-appropriate leadership enables you to do exactly that. You can assess what type of person your counterpart is and then accurately select the strategy from the repertoire of actions to help to understand them in the best possible way. This way, you not only succeed in responding to individual employees in a way that is appropriate to their personality type but also in forming teams in such a way that similarity has a mediating effect and difference has a stimulating effect.
Transformationale Führung – Mitarbeitende motivieren und begeistern
macrolearningTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring Employees
Transformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring Employees
More job satisfaction, greater creativity and better employee performance—these are just a few of the benefits of transformational leadership. In times of structural change in the world of work, this modern management style paves the way for satisfying what employees want and need. With the help of transformational leadership, employees can become more motivated. Furthermore, they can enjoy the advantages of possessing a clear vision, serving as role models, receiving and giving individualized attention, and questioning conventional practices. This e⁠-⁠training course will present the core elements of transformational leadership in detail, reinforced by illustrative examples. Participants will also learn how they can apply a transformational leadership style for providing optimum support to their employees.
Hybride Teams erfolgreich führen
macrolearningSuccessfully Leading Hybrid Teams
Successfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid Teams
This e⁠-⁠training course is about successfully leading hybrid teams and shaping the new working reality between working remotely and in-person at the office with a view to the future. Participants learn how they can establish binding rules as a basis for hybrid collaboration and where the limits of hybrid work lie. In addition, despite the physical distance, hybrid team meetings and team spirit are two essential components of this e⁠-⁠training course. Other focal points are the concept of fairness and the individual needs of employees working from home and in person at the office.
Diversity & Inclusion – Vielfalt führen und fördern
macrolearningDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting Diversity
Diversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting Diversity
The majority of companies are now making a deliberate decision to favor diversity. International cooperation, demographic changes, women in management positions and individuality in the workplace — the general conditions for professional and private life have changed and there is a demand for tolerance and respect in our diverse society. But what does "diversity" actually mean? What are the advantages of diversity for a company? And how can managers promote this diversity step by step and establish it as an integral corporate value? That is what this e⁠-⁠learning course is all about.
Virtuelle Teams – Motivation und Vertrauen
macrolearningVirtual Teams—Motivation and Trust
Virtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and TrustVirtual Teams—Motivation and Trust
Leading virtual teams is a skill that can be learned. The participants will learn how to motivate virtual teams remotely and in a media-appropriate way. They will learn to build trust between the individual team members working in different locations around the world. Another focus area of the e⁠-⁠learning course is for the participants to learn how to promote social networking in a team. In the last chapter, they will learn how to give effective feedback even remotely.
Virtuelle Teams – Kommunikation
macrolearningVirtual Teams—Communication
Virtual Teams—CommunicationVirtual Teams—CommunicationVirtual Teams—CommunicationVirtual Teams—CommunicationVirtual Teams—Communication
Communication is the fuel that powers all teamwork. This also applies to virtual teams. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, participants will learn how to establish efficient communication in virtual teams. They will learn which digital media is suitable for which occasions and what they should think about when choosing a respective medium. Further, users will learn to regulate collaboration on their virtual teams, how avoid media-induced misunderstandings, and finally, how virtual meetings should be conducted.
Feedback geben
macrolearningGiving Feedback
Giving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving FeedbackGiving Feedback
In this e⁠-⁠learning, participants get to know the model of the Johari Window. It shows the difference between the perception of others and the perception of oneself. The Johari Window clarifies the "blind spot" and shows why the "secret" will remain a secret. This course teaches that "giving feedback" does not mean "praise" or "criticize". Rather, it is about being open to self-perception through feedback from outside.
Change Management – Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change Processes
Change Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change Processes
Professional moderation, videos, and explanatory films teach how managers can successfully shape change processes. This e⁠-⁠learning introduces the best-known change models and the individual phases of a change process. It also provides concrete measures and tools for the individual phases and sheds light on how to address resistance. Exercise questions, transfer tasks, key messages and a final test tie all of the content together.
Laterale Führung – wirksam führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion
macrolearningLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a Supervisor
Lateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a SupervisorLateral Leadership—Leading Effectively Without Being a Supervisor
More and more projects are being executed outside of traditional corporate hierarchies, by interdepartmental or even intercompany teams assembled based on competencies. In teams like these, there is often no disciplinary leader. Instead, the team has a lateral leader. That leader is then responsible for the project results but without being a superior in charge of the team. In this course, we will explain what exactly the special characteristics of lateral leadership are. We will use a practical example to show you how lateral leadership operates and what leadership tools are of special importance.
Teamentwicklung erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Successfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team DevelopmentSuccessfully Structuring Team Development
Learn the basics for your job as a team leader by setting realistic goals and motivating the team for the long run. This course teaches you how to ensure a clear distribution of tasks within your team and how to not only agree on, but implement goal-oriented rules. Furthermore, this e⁠-⁠learning includes measures to promote constructive communication and shows the participants how they can use simple means to sustainably promote trust and cohesion on their team.
Aufgaben delegieren
macrolearningDelegating Tasks
Delegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating TasksDelegating Tasks
Delegating is more than just "do it"! Participants will learn which tasks can be delegated in principle and which ones must not be passed on under any circumstances. They learn to develop requirement profiles in order to be able to assign respective activities to appropriate employees. Additionally, learn the four stages of the delegation discussion, avoid back delegations, and learn to check agreements and deadlines.
Das Bewerbergespräch führen
macrolearningConducting the Interview
Conducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the InterviewConducting the Interview
New employees will take on important responsibilities, and influence the working atmosphere and team dynamics. Therefore, the selection and hiring process should be given sufficient consideration. In this e⁠-⁠training, learn how to conduct professional, goal-oriented interviews with applicants. You will learn how to create a job description step-by-step, develop a requirements profile from the job description, prepare interview guidelines, and then conduct the interview. Highlights include the art of asking the right questions, how to follow up on the interview, and how to make a final selection. You will also learn ways in which companies can "appeal" to candidates as attractive employers.
Mitarbeitende motivieren
macrolearningMotivating Team Members
Motivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team MembersMotivating Team Members
When employees hide behind their desks, it may not be because of ill will or convenience. They often lack knowledge, ability and confidence in themselves. So how can managers motivate their employees to come out of their shell and conquer new tasks? In this e⁠-⁠learning, the participants will learn helpful methods of employee motivation. This courses focuses on "self-efficacy".
Konfliktmanagement für Führungskräfte
macrolearningConflict Resolution for Managers
Conflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for ManagersConflict Resolution for Managers
For managers, the rule is: intervene as little as possible, but as much as necessary in a conflict involving their own employees. As a starting point, it is important to also recognize hidden conflicts and assess their severity. The theoretical basis for this is provided by Friedrich Glasl's model of the nine stages of conflict escalation. It clearly shows how conflicts can escalate if timely intervention is neglected. For each escalation stage, managers will learn various methods of conflict resolution - from the promotion of independent conflict resolution to mediation and arbitration as well as to the intervention of power.
Interkulturelle Kommunikation in Teams
macrolearningIntercultural Communication in Teams
Intercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in TeamsIntercultural Communication in Teams
Teams are becoming more diverse, as members can often hail from different countries and cultures. Consequently, intercultural communication is becoming more and more important, especially at work. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, users will learn what "culture" means and discuss important concepts from the works of Geert Hofstede and E. T. Hall. Participants will also learn how to become more aware of cultural differences and receive valuable leadership tools with which to manage intercultural teams. The aim of the course is to enhance the intercultural skills of the participants.
Gute Entscheidungen treffen
macrolearningMaking Good Decisions
Making Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good DecisionsMaking Good Decisions
Decisive strength is an essential skill in an ever faster changing environment. Participants can develop and expand this competence in this multimedia e⁠-⁠learning. Learn to quickly categorize a task, discern what needs to be done immediately and what can be postponed, and other methods that can help with good decision-making.
Trennungsgespräche führen
macrolearningConducting Termination Meetings
Conducting Termination MeetingsConducting Termination Meetings
Termination meetings differ from other meetings due to immense importance they have for the employees involved. They are often associated with a great emotional shock that can manifest in various ways. It is part of your job as a manager to conduct termination meetings in a professional and respectful manner. This e⁠-⁠training course will equip you with the tools you need to do this. You will learn the proper way to perpare and how you should plan and structure termination meetings. One focus of the e⁠-⁠training course is handling emotional factors: What are typical reactions and how can you deal with them well? In an extra chapter, you will learn how to conduct termination meetings by online videoconferencing or telephone.
Neu in der Führungsrolle
macrolearningNew to the Leadership Role
New to the Leadership RoleNew to the Leadership RoleNew to the Leadership RoleNew to the Leadership RoleNew to the Leadership Role
The focus is on specialists who are promoted to management level. This training is suitable as a preparation for management tasks and imparts knowledge on result control, process management, employee leadership and self-management. The participants learn how to handle different expectations and conflicts of interest. In addition, seven leadership myths are explained and refuted - because leadership does not fit into simple patterns.