Communication in virtual teams - acting together in a customer-centred way

Kommunikation in virtuellen Teams – Gemeinsam kundenzentriert handeln
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Leading virtual / hybrid teams


Total time 50 minutes

This e⁠-⁠training is all about communication in virtual teams. How can you communicate effectively with digital media? What team rules are needed to strengthen cooperation in virtual teams? What measures are useful to avoid misunderstandings? Participants will find answers to these questions. In addition, they will receive tips for virtual meetings.


Target group

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Using digital media for effective team communication

  • Regulating cooperation in virtual teams in a sensible way to ensure a high quality of customer advice

  • Prevent misunderstandings that arise through virtual cooperation

  • Lead virtual meetings efficiently


Providing clarity
Working in a team
Setting an example
Working within a network

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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