Presenting yourself convincingly and in a customer-centred manner when advising customers

Versicherungskundschaft überzeugend und kundenorientiert beraten
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Total time 60 minutes

In this e⁠-⁠training, everything revolves around a convincing appearance. Participants learn how to prepare carefully for customer meetings, how to be rhetorically convincing and how to maintain a good conversational tone. They learn how to convince with the right body language and a positive inner attitude, and how to master lapses and blackouts with confidence.


Target group

  • Intermediaries and advisors who are active in the distribution of insurance products and employees who assist in brokering or advising on insurance products.

Learning objectives

  • Recognise that the content of arguments alone is not enough to advise and convince clients in the best possible way.

  • Understand that good preparation for client meetings has a positive effect on one's own self-confidence and gives clients the feeling that they are being advised in a targeted and client-centred way.

  • Successfully apply the rules for descriptive and comprehensible language

  • Use figurative language to stimulate the customers' mental cinema

  • Regulate one's own stress level in order to face clients in counselling in a self-confident and professional manner.


Analyzing situations
Giving convincing presentations
Countering objections
Making yourself clear
Asserting yourself
Informing others
Arguing benefits
Providing clarity

Authoring tool



Enacted scenes
Moderated video lectures
Transfer tasks
Animated illustrative videos
Interactive elements
Key messages
Knowledge Check
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