Successfully leading hybrid teams - acting together in a customer-centric way

Hybride Teams erfolgreich führen – Gemeinsam kundenzentriert handeln
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Leading virtual / hybrid teams


Total time 90 minutes

Hybrid working offers numerous opportunities - but also special challenges. To ensure that collaboration in hybrid teams is successful, participants learn important hybrid "rules of the game" and tips for hybrid meetings. They learn which functions the company office can fulfil and how they, as leaders of hybrid teams, can strengthen cohesion. They will also learn how they can lead their employees according to their needs, regardless of where they work, and how they can set an example of successful hybrid working.


Target group

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Create binding rules for cooperation in hybrid teams to ensure the quality of customer advice

  • Know the limits of hybrid working

  • Holding hybrid meetings inclusively and without disruption

  • Strengthening team cohesion despite physical distance

  • Keeping the individual needs of all employees in mind and acting accordingly in a fair and empathetic manner

  • Setting an example of hybrid working as a leader


Supporting employees
Acting fairly and with integrity
Appreciating colleagues
Creating criteria for action
Overseeing goal achievement
Informing others
Setting an example

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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