Successful use of e⁠-⁠training in insurance companies

E-Trainings erfolgreich im Versicherungsunternehmen einsetzen
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Total time 70 minutes

E⁠-⁠training is also the learning format of the present and the future in the insurance industry. To realise their full potential, learners must take centre stage. What is the best way to learn? Get to know the basics of a successful learning culture with us. As a manager, find out the most important motivational factors for learning processes and how you can best incorporate them into your day-to-day work. Support the learning process of your employees with the ARCS-V model to successfully implement e⁠-⁠learning in your insurance company.


Target group

  • Managers in the sale of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Recognising that e⁠-⁠learning is a process in which insurance employees need to be supported and accompanied

  • Recognising the importance of a good learning culture for learning success and establishing this in order to constantly optimise the quality of customer advice in the insurance company through continuous learning

  • Use different learning methods in a targeted manner

  • Actively work with the motivational factors of the ARCS-V model to motivate employees in insurance companies for their learning process

  • Motivating people for e⁠-⁠learning through targeted preparatory, accompanying and follow-up communication measures

  • Support learners in the learning process in order to motivate them in the long term and thus provide the best possible advice to insurance customers


Motivating employees
Supporting employees
Setting an example
Wanting to learn
Encouraging innovation

Authoring tool



Moderated video lectures
Knowledge Check
Transfer tasks
Interactive elements
Key messages
Animated illustrative videos
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