I Am Afraid That AI Will Replace My Job

Ich habe Angst, dass die KI meinen Job übernimmt
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Total time 3 minutes

learning format


Being afraid of AI is the wrong reaction. We should see it as a tool and partner to simplify our own work processes and do what we really want to do.

What is a microlearning?

Ideal soft skill training for the hectic workday, even without in-depth prior knowledge. Microlearning is a compact e-learning course that takes only a few minutes to complete. The short learning unit is ideal for quickly refreshing knowledge (Know-how) or solving professional challenges (Challenge). A microlearning can be combined with appropriate macrolearnings or used as a stand-alone learning product.


It’s a skill booster for complex tasks. Challenge Microlearnings focus on solving everyday challenges by advancing knowledge and teaching relevant emotional soft skills. They are to the point and deficitoriented.

Target group

  • Employees with or without management roles

Learning objectives

  • Overcoming your fear of AI and being able to use it for your own benefit


Getting a grip

Authoring tool


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