PINKTUM E⁠-⁠Learnings

Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden konstruktiv und nachhaltig führen
macrolearningConstructively and Sustainably Conducting Discussions with Employees 
Constructively and Sustainably Conducting Discussions with Employees 
Performance reviews are a key leadership and human resource development tool. Nevertheless, many managers do not necessarily associate them with positive things, often perceiving them as unpleasant and spasmodic and their counterpart sometimes as unmotivated or nervous. This does not have to be the case. When conducted in an appreciative and goal-oriented manner, employee appraisals offer lasting benefits: They ensure an effective two-way exchange of information and play a key role in shaping the relationship between employees and managers. In this e⁠-⁠training, participants learn about the potential of well-managed employee appraisals. They learn how to best prepare for, conduct and follow up on an appraisal interview – on-site or virtually. 
Argumentieren und Über­zeugen mit der Fünfsatz­technik
macrolearningArguing and Persuading Using the Five-Sentence Method
Arguing and Persuading Using the Five-Sentence MethodArguing and Persuading Using the Five-Sentence Method
Have you ever been lost for words in front of an audience, meaning that what you wanted to say just didn't come across the right way? Do you often lack the necessary persuasive power in important situations? If so, we need to change something about that! Situations in which we are required to use arguments to convince arise every day, both in a professional and private context. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how to use the five-sentence method to make your arguments simple and above all, effective. Additionally, you will learn what makes a good argument, how to package it effectively, and how to select and apply an appropriate counter strategy for each type of counter-argument.
Hybrides Arbeiten: On- und offline punkten
macrolearningHybrid Work – Scoring in Online and Offline Settings 
Hybrid Work – Scoring in Online and Offline Settings 
This e⁠-⁠training prepares employees to work together in hybrid teams as successfully and as smoothly as possible. Participants learn how they can establish binding rules as a basis for hybrid collaboration and where the limits of hybrid work lie. In addition, hybrid team meetings, team cohesion—despite physical distance and the recognition and communication of individual needs and wishes are essential contents. 
Überzeugend auftreten – online und in Präsenz
macrolearningHow to be Convincing – Online and in Person 
How to be Convincing – Online and in Person 
When was the last time you were really convinced or even thrilled by someone’s appearance? Think about it for a moment: What exactly convinced you? Was it the content of the argument or also the person’s voice, speech or body language? Chances are, it was a good mix of all the above, because studies have shown that a convincing performance requires both content and personal persuasiveness. It will probably have been a good mix of everything, because according to studies, a convincing performance requires both content and personal persuasiveness! In this e⁠-⁠training you will learn how to use your voice, your language or even your body language and your interactive behavior and improve your personal persuasiveness. Let us convince you! 
Typgerecht führen
macrolearningType-Appropriate Leadership
Type-Appropriate LeadershipType-Appropriate Leadership
Everyone is unique. Nevertheless, we always see similar personality traits in different people. Type models help us to understand people better as they simplify a complex world. In your role as a manager, you deal with a wide variety of employee types and should know how best to deal with whom. So that all employees in your team can fully use their potential, it is important to address them individually according to their personality or personality type, to understand them, challenge them and develop them. Type-appropriate leadership enables you to do exactly that. You can assess what type of person your counterpart is and then accurately select the strategy from the repertoire of actions to help to understand them in the best possible way. This way, you not only succeed in responding to individual employees in a way that is appropriate to their personality type but also in forming teams in such a way that similarity has a mediating effect and difference has a stimulating effect.
Interkulturelle Teams – Grundlagen der erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit
macrolearningIntercultural Teams—Basics of Successful Cooperation
Intercultural Teams—Basics of Successful CooperationIntercultural Teams—Basics of Successful CooperationIntercultural Teams—Basics of Successful Cooperation
Due to increasing internationalization and globalization, cooperation in an international context is becoming more and more important. Working in intercultural teams offers great potential, but can often also be quite a challenge. This e⁠-⁠training course covers how to deal with cultural differences and teaches participants how prejudices and stereotypes can be overcome. How can cultural intelligence help in an intercultural context? How do you lay a good foundation for successful intercultural cooperation? What should you stay conscious of when working with people from other cultures? Find out here! These issues will be addressed in detail.
Interkulturelle Teams – Kommunikation mit Kolleg:innen aus anderen Kulturen
macrolearningIntercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other Cultures
Intercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other CulturesIntercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other CulturesIntercultural Teams—Communicating with Colleagues from Other Cultures
Communication is everything when it comes to successful cooperation, including in an intercultural context. However, conflicts or misunderstandings occur frequently, especially between people from different cultures. This e⁠-⁠training course discusses how to adapt one's own communication, criticism, and conflict behavior in an intercultural work context, and how to effectively overcome language barriers. Course participants learn how they can succeed in interacting with people from different cultures in a respectful and appreciative way.
Präsentieren – Die Grundlagen
macrolearningPresenting—Basics of Professional Presentations
Presenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional PresentationsPresenting—Basics of Professional Presentations
The ability to present confidently and persuasively is a key skill in more and more professions. This e⁠-⁠training course focuses on the basic techniques and methods that can be used to present content in an engaging and professional manner. Participants will learn how to tailor their presentations to the audience's expectations, prepare them well, and structure them logically. They will also receive practical tips on how to avoid pitfalls in advance.
Präsentieren – Persönlich, souverän und professionell
macrolearningPresenting – Convince with Confidence, Personality and Influence
Presenting – Convince with Confidence, Personality and InfluencePresenting – Convince with Confidence, Personality and InfluencePresenting – Convince with Confidence, Personality and Influence
Presenting is more than just reciting texts and showing graphics. A good presentation is personal, individual, motivating and engaging. In this e⁠-⁠training, participants learn methods to make their communication more direct, emotional and activating– both on a verbal and non-verbal level. Another focus of the training lies on practical ways to achieve a balanced, communicative mindset and to control stage fright from the outset.
Präsentieren – Überzeugend auftreten im virtuellen Raum
macrolearningPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web Conferences
Presenting – How to be Convincing in Web ConferencesPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web ConferencesPresenting – How to be Convincing in Web Conferences
In today's working environment, it is becoming increasingly important to convey content attractively and convincingly, even in online settings. Online presentations offer a variety of ways to capture the audience's attention and increase the quality of the presentation. This e⁠-⁠training outlines the specifics of presenting online. There are tips for dealing with the technology. Furthermore, participants will learn which media and methods they can use and how.
Transformationale Führung – Mitarbeitende motivieren und begeistern
macrolearningTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring Employees
Transformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring EmployeesTransformational­ Leadership—Motivating and Inspiring Employees
More job satisfaction, greater creativity and better employee performance—these are just a few of the benefits of transformational leadership. In times of structural change in the world of work, this modern management style paves the way for satisfying what employees want and need. With the help of transformational leadership, employees can become more motivated. Furthermore, they can enjoy the advantages of possessing a clear vision, serving as role models, receiving and giving individualized attention, and questioning conventional practices. This e⁠-⁠training course will present the core elements of transformational leadership in detail, reinforced by illustrative examples. Participants will also learn how they can apply a transformational leadership style for providing optimum support to their employees.
Stressmanagement – Stress erfolgreich und gelassen meistern
macrolearningStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and Calmly
Stress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and CalmlyStress Management — Mastering Stress Successfully and Calmly
Stress is a natural part of our lives. However, too much stress can have serious consequences. Numerous physical and mental issues can result from too much stress. During this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn the definition of stress and the cause behind it. How can we succeed in reducing stress? Which methods of instrumental, mental and regenerative stress management are helpful? This e⁠-⁠training course provides answers to these questions. You will learn how to recognize stress, understand it better and manage it successfully through targeted techniques and methods.
Burnout besser verstehen und bewältigen
macrolearningUnderstanding and Managing Burnout Better
Understanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout BetterUnderstanding and Managing Burnout Better
Burnout is an emotional and physical exhaustion syndrome, which can result from too much stress. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn what the term "burnout" means, and how burnout can occur. What factors contribute significantly to this condition? What are the three stages of burnout? What can you do to stay healthy even under greater stress? And what must be done if burnout has actually occurred? This e⁠-⁠training course provides clear answers to these questions. You will learn how to recognize burnout, understand it better, and help to improve the situation by means of external assistance.
Hybride Teams erfolgreich führen
macrolearningSuccessfully Leading Hybrid Teams
Successfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid TeamsSuccessfully Leading Hybrid Teams
This e⁠-⁠training course is about successfully leading hybrid teams and shaping the new working reality between working remotely and in-person at the office with a view to the future. Participants learn how they can establish binding rules as a basis for hybrid collaboration and where the limits of hybrid work lie. In addition, despite the physical distance, hybrid team meetings and team spirit are two essential components of this e⁠-⁠training course. Other focal points are the concept of fairness and the individual needs of employees working from home and in person at the office.
Klassisches Projektmanagement – Projekte erfolgreich steuern
macrolearningClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering Projects
Classic Project Management—Successfully Steering ProjectsClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering ProjectsClassic Project Management—Successfully Steering Projects
Have you defined your project goals and analyzed the environment of your project in detail? Yes?—Excellent! Then you are ready to move from the planning phase into the implementation phase of your project. As a project manager, your main task is to steer the project along the best possible path towards the project goal. In this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will therefore learn how and with which methods you can successfully manage your project. You will deal with the management of project goals, stakeholders, risk as well as project reporting. Each of these are valuable instruments in project steering.
Resilienz – Die innere Widerstandskraft stärken
macrolearningResilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience
Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience Resilience—Increasing Your Inner Resilience
At work, we face pressure to perform, complex requirements, unforeseeable events, and uncertainties on a daily basis. Resilience makes it possible to deal with these challenges in a positive way and even to develop personally. But what is resilience? And what are the differences between resilient and non-resilient people? How can the seven pillars of resilience help you to confidently overcome challenges in your everyday work? And how can you go about strengthening your own inner resilience? These questions will be covered in detail during this e⁠-⁠training course.
Innovation – Prototypen bedarfsgerecht entwickeln und testen
macrolearningInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of Prototypes
Innovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of PrototypesInnovation—Needs-Based Development and Testing of Prototypes
Innovation and the testing of new developments are closely connected. In this e⁠-⁠training course, we will show you methods for prototyping, how to use them in the most needs-based way with relatively little effort, and how to gain important insights from them at an early stage and thus save on costs.
Innovation – Methoden für den Innovationsprozess
macrolearningInnovation—Methods for the Innovation Process
Innovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation ProcessInnovation—Methods for the Innovation Process
Innovations must always have a place within a company. At the beginning of this e⁠-⁠training course, we will explain which phases characterize innovation processes. We will also take a closer look at a range of possible approaches to innovation development. There is a wealth of different approaches and methods for achieving different goals. In this e⁠-⁠training course, we will look at some of them in detail and show you which goals managers and innovation teams can achieve with them, as well as how they actually work.
Innovation – Ein innovatives Mindset fördern
macrolearningInnovation—Promoting an Innovative Mindset
Innovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative MindsetInnovation—Promoting an Innovative Mindset
Innovative thinking can be learned. Developing an innovative mindset and promoting it in team members follows certain prerequisites and comes with some hidden stumbling blocks. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will find out how you and your team can overcome what works against innovation and how to get mentally prepared for innovation.
Klassisches Projekt­management – Projekte erfolgreich planen
macrolearningClassic Project Management—Planning Projects Successfully
Classic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects SuccessfullyClassic Project Management—Planning Projects Successfully
Do you sometimes have so many ideas for an upcoming task that you skip the planning for the task altogether and get started right away? Often, this “just do it” mentality is not a bad thing, sometimes it’s even the better way to get things done. In classic project management, however, it is the opposite. Here, planning is key to the success of the project! In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn about the success factors of planning in project management. You will learn which projects can be managed using traditional techniques and how important it is to clearly allocate roles to make the project successful. Furthermore, the course highlights the most important planning document(s) for managing a project. You will learn how to define milestones and thus give structure to project planning and the project phases. The course content ends with tips for how to use the kick-off meeting to transition from planning to implementation.
Unconscious Bias – Vorurteile und Stereotype erkennen und reduzieren
macrolearningUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and Stereotypes
Unconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and StereotypesUnconscious Bias—Recognizing and Reducing Prejudices and Stereotypes
People tend to classify their fellow human beings into a pre-defined category system and evaluate them on that basis – but why is that? This e⁠-⁠training course deals with unconscious cognitive distortions and other unconscious thought patterns, such as prejudice and stereotypes, along with their causes. Participants will get to know various forms of unconscious bias – such as name bias, affinity bias and confirmation bias – and also receive some helpful tips on how to deal with them in a reflective way in their professional life.
Diversity & Inclusion – Vielfalt führen und fördern
macrolearningDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting Diversity
Diversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting DiversityDiversity & Inclusion—Facilitating and Promoting Diversity
The majority of companies are now making a deliberate decision to favor diversity. International cooperation, demographic changes, women in management positions and individuality in the workplace — the general conditions for professional and private life have changed and there is a demand for tolerance and respect in our diverse society. But what does "diversity" actually mean? What are the advantages of diversity for a company? And how can managers promote this diversity step by step and establish it as an integral corporate value? That is what this e⁠-⁠learning course is all about.
Aktives Zuhören
macrolearningActive Listening
Active ListeningActive ListeningActive ListeningActive ListeningActive Listening
In order to hear what the other person wants to say, it is not enough to simply listen. Important information can be lost if the listener does not fully concentrate on the conversation partner and - where necessary - encourage him to continue talking. One method for shaping this communicative process effectively is "active listening". It provides guidance that allows listeners to understand the concerns of the other party truly. "Active listening" is thus one of the most important communication tools for team workers and managers. "Active listening" shows participants how to achieve better results through concentration and verbal control techniques.
Feedback geben unter Kolleg:innen
macrolearningFeedback between Colleagues
Feedback between ColleaguesFeedback between ColleaguesFeedback between ColleaguesFeedback between Colleagues
Feedback is an essential tool for managing team cooperation. Feedback is a give and take where both can and must be learned. The importance of feedback for personality development was also recognized in the 1970s by social psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram. They developed the "Johari Window" which shows that self-perception and external perception differ. The Johari Window also says that through feedback, the "blind spot" can be reduced and the scope for action increased. Positive feedback usually leads to the stabilization and development of the addressed behavior. It clears the way for team-promoting behavioral changes.
Digitalisierung verstehen
macrolearningUnderstanding Digitalization
Understanding DigitalizationUnderstanding DigitalizationUnderstanding DigitalizationUnderstanding Digitalization
"Understanding Digitalization" takes participants on a journey into the digital world, showing that digitalization is not just about converting physical products and applications into digital products and applications. Conversely, it is above all about the data that is generated in the process. As traditional companies disappear and new companies are emerge, professions are changing. Even doctors may be replaced by digital technologies. The presenter introduces the new power of customers and the need for customer centricity as another significant change. Finally, through transfer tasks, participants are encouraged to examine their own professional environment for digital challenges and potential to resolve.
Wertschätzend kommunizieren
macrolearningCommunicating with Respect and Appreciation
Communicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and AppreciationCommunicating with Respect and Appreciation
Those who manage to establish a good relationship with those they speak to can have more constructive discussions and achieve better work results. The key is communicating with respect and appreciation with a prerequisite of an "open ear" for one's own sensitivities as well as the known sensitivities of the person you're having a conversation with. This course aims to help you build up sustainable relationships with dialog partners through clear and precise "I⁠-⁠messages" on one hand, while simultaneously being aware of the other person's point of view. This creates the basis for constructive dialog.
Die sechs Strategien der Konfliktlösung
macrolearningThe 6 Strategies of Conflict Resolution
The 6 Strategies of Conflict Resolution
When it comes to resolving conflicts, people use different coping strategies. In this context, conflict researcher Gerhard Schwarz designed six methods – fleeing, fighting, yielding, delegating, negotiating and agreeing. Participants learn the advantages and disadvantages of these strategies and are guided to develop action competence in dealing with conflicts. 
Agiles Projektmanagement / Grundlagen
macrolearningAgile Project Management: Basics
Agile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: BasicsAgile Project Management: Basics
Learn the basics of agile project management. At first glance, agile project management is compared to traditional "waterfall" project management, with the essential differences clearly illustrated using accompanying videos. Fundamental concepts of agile project management such as the Iterative and Incremental Approach are discussed, in addition to agile values and principles. The course concludes with a high-level overview of the process of an agile project.
Kanban – die Methode
macrolearningWorking with the Kanban Board
Working with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban BoardWorking with the Kanban Board
The Kanban Board is more than a planning tool. First, learn about the Board's development in the Japanese automotive industry, and get to know the "flow idea" behind Kanban. This will enable you to use the method more creatively and purposefully. Also included you will find a case study from the manufacturing industry that helps to apply Kanban to real life. Learn about the different ways to use a Kanban board and the most important elements such as "Work in Progress Limits" and the "Pull Principle".
Change Management – Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten
macrolearningChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change Processes
Change Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change ProcessesChange Management—Successfully Shaping Change Processes
Professional moderation, videos, and explanatory films teach how managers can successfully shape change processes. This e⁠-⁠learning introduces the best-known change models and the individual phases of a change process. It also provides concrete measures and tools for the individual phases and sheds light on how to address resistance. Exercise questions, transfer tasks, key messages and a final test tie all of the content together.