Arguing in a customer-oriented way with the five-sentence technique

Kunden­orientierte Argumentation mit der Fünf­satz­technik – Versicherungs­kundschaft überzeugen
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Total time 100 minutes

The e⁠-⁠training gives an overview of the five-sentence technique, which can be used to form convincing arguments. The prelude to a good argument includes a situational introduction. This is followed by several arguments - these must first be collected, ordered and formulated before they can finally be presented. The course offers a separate exercise chapter on the five-sentence technique and gives tips on how to parry factual counter-arguments and fend off unfair attacks.


Target group

  • Intermediaries and advisors who work in the distribution of insurance products and employees who assist in brokering or advising themManagers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Making arguments successful and customer-oriented with the five-sentence technique

  • Establish an appreciative conversational atmosphere during discussions in the customer advisory service

  • Confidently and in a customer-centred manner design the situational entry into a discussion

  • Research the content of discussion topics properly and classify one's own arguments with the help of the ETHOS scheme.

  • Adapt one's own arguments individually to the client, prioritise them and find arguments for benefits.

  • Giving more weight to one's arguments with examples, evidence, references and other rhetorical devices.

  • Summarise the core message of the argumentation with the help of the purpose clause and formulate goal-oriented consequences for the client.

  • Parry the client's factual counter-arguments with a counter-strategy.


Being bold
Countering objections
Making yourself clear
Asserting yourself
Informing others
Arguing benefits

Authoring tool



Enacted scenes
Moderated video lectures
Transfer tasks
Animated illustrative videos
Interactive elements
Key messages
Knowledge Check
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