Successfully complete customer consultations in the insurance industry

Kundenberatungen in der Versicherungswirtschaft erfolgreich abschließen
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Total time 70 minutes

Successful customer counselling includes successfully initiating the conclusion of the counselling interview - this is what the participants learn in this e⁠-⁠training. They will learn how to recognise the buying signals of their customers, how to ask a suitable closing question and how to initiate sustainable customer care.


Target group

  • Intermediaries and advisors who are active in the distribution of insurance products and employees who assist in the mediation or provision of advice.

Learning objectives

  • Recognising verbal and non-verbal buying signals from customers

  • Introduce purchase or contract conclusions in a targeted manner in order to facilitate the decision-making process for insurance customers.

  • Support customers in their decision to conclude a contract by asking specific questions.

  • Responding flexibly to the insurance needs, wishes and interests of customers

  • Use project management tools for long-term customer care in the insurance industry


Closing sales
Focusing on customer satisfaction
Showing caution
Being reliable

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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