Scrum—The Overview

Scrum – der Überblick
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Agility & Innovation


Total time 80 minutes

learning format


Learn about the background and development of Scrum as described by Jeff Sutherland in his book "The Scrum Revolution" where Sutherland references the Toyota Principle and the Plan-Do-Check-Act Method. Additionally, get to know the basics of Scrum such as working in teams, focused work, and the division into product owner, scrum master and team. Finally, learn what the organization of a project looks like, according to scrum.

What is a macrolearning?

Comprehensive soft skills training for in-depth personal development. Macrolearning is a classic elearning course with a completion time of approximately 50 minutes. As a particularly intensive form of digital development, macrolearning promotes soft skills and sharpens personal profiles. For a holistic learning journey, PINKTUM Macrolearnings can also be combined with suitable compact Microlearnings.


Target group

  • Employees of all hierarchical levels who will work in Scrum teams in the future

  • employees who are interested in Scrum and/or who are preparing for further education to become a Product Owner or Scrum Master

Learning objectives

  • Understanding what is behind Scrum

  • Learning how Scrum works

  • Identifying the important roles in Scrum

  • Understanding how a Scrum board is organized

  • Learning how to implement a project based on Scrum


Analyzing situations
Continuously optimizing
Working in a customer-oriented manner
Being flexible
Taking a goal-oriented approach

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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