
Do you underestimate the power of praise? You're not alone, many leaders feel this way, but there are many benefits to praise and appreciation. Here's how to praise effectively, show appreciation, and take compliments with style.


Employee turnover and employee retention are two sides of the same coin. High employee retention ensures low turnover, while high turnover implies low employee loyalty! If you want to retain employees, you have to deal with their wishes, needs and motivations. It is also important to understand the following: What are the types of turnover and what is a normal turnover rate? What motivates employees to change jobs or to stay?

Interkulturelle Teams – Kommunikation mit Kolleg:innen aus anderen Kulturen

Risk-takers, emotional, reserved—each person has a unique personality. Your employees are characterized by different traits and needs. This type of diversity is an asset to your team. At the same time, it presents you with challenges as a leader: How do you best handle different types of employees?

Femaler Leader Head

The Female Leadership Dilemma. Between Conflict of Roles and Stereotypes.


Lateral leadership is used to motivate employees to achieve a common goal under the guidance of the manager - without any disciplinary management responsibility.

At the end of the year, performance reviews are on the agenda in most companies. Some of us have had unpleasant experiences. Performance reviews are therefore often accompanied by mixed feelings.