Customer Centricity – Kund:innen verstehen, begeistern und binden
macrolearningCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining Customers
Customer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining CustomersCustomer Centricity—Understanding, Inspiring and Retaining Customers
Have you recently been excited to buy something or try a new service? What was it that grabbed your attention? It could’ve been a lot of things, but typically, when you're energized about a purchase, that means that the company you’re about to give money to did a great job of prioritizing the customer during the product or service's development. In this course, you will learn about customer focus and get tips on how to entice customers to try out the latest products or services.
Der Entscheidungsprozess
microlearningThe Decision-Making Process
The Decision-Making Process
Do you find it difficult to make decisions? Learn about four steps you can utilize to methodically navigate the decision-making process.